Coyote Facts

(Canis latrans)

In this article on coyote facts I am going to cover as many facts as possible for you. Coyotes have fascinated me for over 20 years and I have studied them fairly extensively.

Full grown coyotes weigh from 20 to 50 pounds. They measure from 58 to 64 inches long from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tail. Their tail itself usually measures 12 to 16 inches.

Coyotes can live to the ripe old age of 14 years. It is also believed that the population of coyotes in North America is at an all time high.

I don’t believe that is the case here in NW Missouri where I live. I can remember as a teenager seeing and hearing coyotes almost on a daily basis on our farm. I do however think the population here is growing once again.

A few years ago I can remember nearly every coyote I called or trapped had mange. I think mange was responsible mainly here for the past 10 year decline in population.

Coyotes are omnivores. Their diet consists of rabbits, fish, frogs, berries and other fruit, deer, snakes, insects, and grass. They have even been known to kill lambs, calves, and small pets.

Coyotes have an exception sense of smell. 100 times better than a human. They also have keen eyesight.

Female coyotes give birth to as few as two, and up to a dozen pups in the spring. Both male and female will protect the pups and their territory. The pups can hunt on their own by fall.

Coyotes can run up to 40 miles an hour.

I know this article will be read by many from both sides of the animal rights world. I am going to tell you right up front that I love coyotes…and I hunt coyotes. Now I don’t expect anyone to agree with hunting coyotes. In my opinion, those that disagree with it simply do not have all the facts they need to make an in formed decision. So I am going to list a fact here which is reason enough for me to hunt them and do my part to keep their population in check.

When coyotes become over populated in an area they start venturing to urban communities. They kill pets and they attack small children if left unattended. I just finished reading an article yesterday of a coyote attacking 2 small children in Oregon State. Coyotes fault? No, it’s just instinct to them. But the fact that coyotes have become so overpopulated in that area that they are being forced to search for new territory (which in this case includes towns) is reason enough to thin the population there in my opinion.

Kevin Webster is an avid outdoorsman with over 20 years experience hunting coyotes and predators of all kinds. For more Coyote Facts as well as other predator hunting tips and techniques visit his blog at: